Programs > Greenspace

Buckhead Collection

In 2008, the City of Atlanta’s Project Greenspace identified the City of Atlanta as significantly lacking in green space when compared to peer cities across the nation.  Project GreenSpace also identified Atlanta City Council District 7, greater Buckhead, as having fewer parks per capita than any other district in the entire city.

In October of 2010, working at the request of City Councilman, Howard Shook, the Buckhead Community decided it was time to take green space seriously and began to develop a vision for the commercial core of Buckhead and its adjacent neighborhoods.  That vision, The Buckhead Collection, is complete and has become the responsibility of Livable Buckhead, Inc. to implement.

The Buckhead Collection

The Buckhead Collection is an interconnected network of parks, trails and green spaces serving the social, economic, mobility and environmental needs of Buckhead residents, workers and visitors.  Each element of the Collection will be planned and designed to meet the following objectives:

  • Continue to make Buckhead one of the most desirable places in the world to live, work and play
  • Provide a network of trails, bikeways and sidewalks to provide opportunities for alternative modes of transportation
  • Provide residents, workers and visitors with access to a meaningful greens pace within a convenient distance from their home and business
  • Provide adequate athletic fields and recreation facilities to meet the needs of Buckhead
  • Maximize real estate values through proximity to green space
  • Provide opportunities for the community to gather for festivals, performances, special events and other cultural activities
  • Provide opportunities for public art, historic preservation and interpretation, storm water treatment and environmental protection throughout the system.

The Buckhead Collection is comprised of seven subsystems, each having its own individual plan. Click on each element to download the vision for it.


Download The Buckhead Collection Overview

Download the GA400 Trails Overview

Download the GA400 Trails FAQ – 2.2012 (printable)

Download The Buckhead Collection Plan

Download The Buckhead Collection Plan – Why More Greenspace?

Download The Buckhead Collection Plan – Vision For Greenspace

Download The Buckhead Collection Plan – Implementation

Download The Buckhead Collection Executive Summary

Download The Buckhead Collection Technical Appendix (Coming Soon)


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