Health and Wellness

The emphasis on creating health-forward amenities and infrastruc­ture is paramount to the livability of this community. Striving to improve the health of a population is the definition of social sustainability and can have positive environmental and economic impacts.

As Buckhead’s growth trajectory continues, the emphasis on creating health-forward amenities and infrastructure is paramount to the livability of this community. Striving to improve the health of a population is essentially the definition of social sustainability and can have positive environmental and economic impacts. Livable Buckhead works to achieve increased awareness of health and wellness interventions in commercial buildings, including an assessment for an active stairwell campaign, assessment of indoor air quality initiatives, education events focused on health and wellness, installation of pedestrian counters on PATH400, and increased programming and utilization of PATH400.

Livable Buckhead encourages existing commercial buildings to engage in wellness activities, while also working to influence community design and future development initiatives to develop in a manner that will enhance walkability in Buckhead.


A sustainable Buckhead is a Livable Buckhead


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