3050 Peachtree Road – USAA Buildout

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Project Scope: Tenant Buildout – USAA

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USAA - Buckhead Plaza - LBI - 9-2015_Page_1

Applicant:  Dianne Cox


Section 16-18I.017(5) Fenestration – Fenestration including all window and floor openings shall be provided at the sidewalk level for a minimum of 65% of the length of the building for nonresidential uses on all Type 1, 2 and 3 streets.


Recommendation – The committee recommends the applicant complete the necessary calculations to determine if this criteria is satisfied and,  if not, make the necessary modifications to meet the requirements.


The Development Committee does not expect to see this applicant again unless significant changes are made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations or the City staff requests additional input from the DRC.

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