3024 Piedmont Road (Cheesecake Factory)

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Description: Demolition of prior Cheesecake Factory restaurant building to mitigate homeless concerns and stabilize site.

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Applicant:  Peter Blum

SAP#:  not assigned yet

Variation Requested:

Recommendations Regarding Variations:

The committee commends the applicant on taking steps to address the issues that have been caused by this site not being properly maintained and have resulted in significant security concerns arising from the homeless occupation of the building.

The committee supports the demolition of the building structure. The concerns and recommendations included herein stem from a lack of identified redevelopment plans and the committee’s desire to ensure the site is well- stabilized as it may remain in this condition for several years given current market conditions.

Section 16-18I.017.6.I.1 Fences in the supplemental zone are limited to 42 inches in height. The applicant desires to install a security fence along the Peachtree Road frontage of the site (and around the entire exterior of the site) in an effort to secure the site.

Recommendation:   The committee recommends approval of the applicant’s request to fence the property to secure it until such time as redevelopment occurs and vary the height from the required 42 inches up to 60 inches.  However, the committee recommends that portion of the fence along Peachtree Road be set significantly back from the roadway and obscured from view by landscaping in an effort to provide a pleasing aesthetic presence along Peachtree Road.  The committee recommends the fence line be located approximately at the rear of the current building structure.  The committee further recommends the applicant incorporate an upgraded fence with black vinyl coating and no barbed wire along the top and not more than 6 feet in height.

Additional Recommendations

  • The committee recommends that the applicant demolish the existing building, underlying slab and front patio area in their entirety leaving a smooth grassed area that is regularly maintained to ensure high quality aesthetics along the Peachtree Road frontage.
  • The committee recommends the applicant be allowed to leave the parking lot in the rear of the site, however, notes that its use as a surface parking lot is prohibited by zoning in section 16.18I.007.
  • The committee recognizes that sustainable practices are valued in the community and recommends the applicant make every effort to reclaim and/or recycle materials from the building and consider partnering with the Life Cycle Building Center to donate materials.
  • The committee recommends the property owner take a proactive role in ensuring the property is properly maintained in a condition commensurate with the quality of the surrounding community in the future including, but not limited to, providing regular maintenance (including landscape maintenance), security and immediate removal of homeless encampments.

The Development Committee does not expect to see this applicant again unless significant changes are made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations or the City staff requests additional input from the DRC.

Second Submittal

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