Women Leaders Are Key To The Future: Yasamin Khorashahi

 In Culture of Sustainability

Women are playing a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Yasamin Khorashahi, Community Planning Manager at Livable Buckhead is one of these women working towards a sustainable future for us all. Her dedication towards ensuring fair distribution, access to resources, and social well-being within a community will help those disproportionately impacted. Khorashahi’s focus on building inclusive, resilient, equitable communities will result in the advancement of all.

Being a metro-Atlanta native, Khorashahi has a lifelong investment in the city and its residents. Her deep connection with the city and its residents cultivates advocacy for an equitable world. She has a B.S. in Public Policy and a Master of City and Regional Planning from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Khorashahi has been involved in sustainability initiatives in Atlanta for a long time. During her first year as an undergraduate, she was exposed to a city-wide program, SALP (Sustainability Ambassadors Leadership Program). During the 8-week course of study, she toured different buildings and programs in the city with an advanced focus on sustainability. Immersing herself in the city-wide program, Khorashahi recognized the need for equity-oriented communities as the first step in our path to a more sustainable future.

Equity is the least promoted of the three “E’s”, the other two being economy and ecology, and is a vital dimension of sustainability. Khorashahi’s concentration on equity, the recognition of each person having different circumstances, helps ensure communities have the same benefits, access to resources, and opportunities. Khorashahi’s respectful leadership style cultivates a sense of trust promoting the identification of relevant supporting frameworks. Shifting the systems that perpetuate the unjust allocation of power within historically marginalized communities results in a thriving engaged society. She supports communities by saying ‘this is who I am, and this is what I can do for you’. Her nuanced approach fosters trust through respectful communication letting residents know her purpose is not deceptive or exploitative. Khorashahi’s, ‘interacting with the world by treating people with respect and dignity is the first step towards working on global climate change initiatives’, thinking will establish long term sustainability.

Working as the Community Planning Manager with Livable Buckhead, Khorashahi is developing and implementing multiple projects related to transportation and land use while supporting improvements for enhanced walkability and a sense of place for residents of Atlanta. She credits feeling valued and heard to strong female mentors like Denise Starling, who promotes an environment of diverse idea sharing. Change is never easy and active thoughtful work must be done to make a positive impact. Khorashahi believes communities need to work rather than be 100% perfect. Perfection is a moving goal post which is never attainable. Khorashahi’s determination and positivity towards the future inspires hope.

“I am incredibly new and lucky to have people in my corner helping set me up for success. Because of the nature of the way the world works, I do anticipate facing some adversity going forward. Hopefully, things will change for the better and the women and men that have come before and after me will have a more hospitable world and equitable path for all.” ~ Yasamin Khorashahi.

We recognize and appreciate you. Sharing your story will inspire, educate, and create hope through the undisputable power of human connections.

Also in the series:

Denise Starling – Executive Director, Livable Buckhead

Peggy Whitlow-Ratcliffe – Founder and Executive Director, Live Thrive

Ashley Bella – Founder and CEO of Artzybella

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