Women Leaders Are Key to the Future: Rosalind Tucker

 In Culture of Sustainability, Mobility

Advocacy, relief, improvement, and social reform embody the essence of Rosalind “Roz” Tucker’s leadership and career dedication. Managing Director of Mobility Services and Georgia Commute Options at the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), Tucker’s philanthropic endeavors show the significance of community by enhancing the lives of individuals and the environment.

In 1999, Tucker’s commitment to serving the community led her to assume the role of Social Services Director for The Villages of East Lake Community, working alongside The Lane Company and the East Lake Foundation. Despite the challenges posed by federal cuts to social services programs, Tucker tirelessly endeavored to improve community structures and systems that perpetuated poverty. Her efforts proved fruitful, as she empowered the residents of the East Lake community, challenging preconceived notions and establishing valuable resources through community partnerships. Recognizing the transformative power of literacy, financial knowledge, and education, Tucker successfully implemented social and supportive programs that disrupted the poverty cycle, earning her recognition as Atlanta’s Most Up and Coming by The Atlanta Business Chronicle in 2004.

In 2013, Tucker began representing ARC in the Aging Independence Services Group helping to foster the Sweet Auburn Transformation Project and supporting the Lifelong Communities Initiative. In 2019, ARC took note of her contributions and leadership promoting her to ‘Managing Director of Mobility Services and Georgia Commute Options’ where she leads a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) team focusing on transportation alternatives and procurement of funding. The Guaranteed Ride Home Program is an invaluable program helping shift workers access safe rides when public transit is not available. May 2023, ARC approved a major update to the TDM’s plan addressing mobility challenges faced by residents, ranging from not owning a car to language barriers.

We must improve mobility options if we are to successfully build a more equitable region, improve public health, and create a stronger, more resilient economy.” ~ Rosalind Tucker

Women possess a unique perspective, especially at a local level, it is inherent they are given a seat at the decision-making table. Recognizing the unique perspective that women bring, Tucker actively champions their inclusion in decision-making processes. Her relational approach opens doors for respectful communication through connection. The opportunity for women to share similar experiences will cultivate an equality of importance. A monthly group of women in TDM serves as a touchstone, empowering one another by sharing both challenges and successes. Tucker’s dedication to community growth and sustainability directly promotes fair distribution of advantages addressing structural inequalities making communities more resilient, creating a place where multiple chairs are pulled up for deserving innovative women contributing to a diverse collective.

Tucker’s leadership style embodies her favorite quote: “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” Her unwavering focus on building a future of equitable sustainability is a driving force behind her work. Director Tucker, we celebrate and recognize your contributions. Sharing your story will inspire others and create hope supporting human connection and resilience.


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