Waze Your Way into Carpool

 In Employer, Mobility

Livable Buckhead is teaming up with Waze Carpool to offer your employees a new, flexible option to get to work, and making it easier than ever. Don’t know about Waze Carpool? 

Waze Carpool connects drivers and passengers with similar destinations by pairing them together to share commutes on the most optimal routes, i.e. commute times and real-time traffic conditions. Commuters can use the Waze Carpool app to choose a rider or driver based on the user’s personal profile and select filters, including gender, coworker, and proximity to a preferred route. Waze Carpool drivers manage routes through the app which can be customized to schedule rides up to seven days in advance.

Now, your company can take this commute option a step further for your employees by joining the Waze Carpool partner program. Through this program, Waze is able to create a private group for your employees only. The program has no service or licensing fees, helping you make employees happier at no cost! You will also be able to track rides taken through Waze’s app-based reporting. Additional reporting can be provided when a partner reaches a specific threshold. Livable Buckhead and Waze Carpool will also be partnering to give employees even more incentives to carpool. For a 60-day period, Waze will offer $1 flat rate rides (riders pay $1, drivers get paid the full amount by Waze). Both riders and drivers will also be eligible for a $10 bonus after they complete their first 5 carpools. These benefits are all added on top of Livable Buckhead’s monthly $20 incentive for 2-person carpools, ‘Pool Perks.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to provide employees with a viable, cost-saving option to get to work.

Email me to get started!

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