Livable Buckhead Commuter Survey: Why Commuter Data Is Significant for Your Company

 In Employer

As most of you know, Livable Buckhead has made commuter surveying a requirement to be in our discounted transit pass program. This will happen on an annual basis, so we want to make sure our partners know the value in the data we receive and how it can benefit your company.  

Here are 3 reasons a commuter survey is a significant workplace tool:

  1. Baseline Data: commuter surveys can provide a baseline with which you can use to benchmark the success of a commuter program, including telework, transit, and bike among others
  2. Opportunity for Cost Savings: the survey provides insight into what commutes your employees are most likely to use and what benefits/incentives they prefer, so you can build a more cost-effective program
  3. Employee Happiness: analyzing employee feedback regarding their commute to work can help your company provide better benefits by equalizing alternative modes with driving alone and giving employees a better work/life balance with more options

If you have not already sent this survey to your employees, please send them the link now:

If you have questions, contact Calvin Cromer or Katie Gable.

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