Living In Atlanta Without A Car: Traffic/Parking Issues Resolved

 In Mobility

As part of a continuation of my series “Living in Atlanta without a Car” series, I continue to discuss the benefits of using public transportation in the City of Atlanta. Using an automobile as your primary form of travel can offer you a level of convenience and comfort not found using public transportation systems. An automobile can be viewed as a convenience but when you are traveling to special events, sporting events etc., traffic and parking can present its own array of issues. I have been able to successfully navigate issues of parking and traffic congestion by using public transportation options.

Atlanta has become synonymous with traffic congestion. With a metropolitan region of well over eight million people that was built on car dependency, the region struggles with traffic congestion in almost every neighborhood. In order to save time and frustration, this has played a significant role in my decision to not use an automobile. By removing the need of finding parking and dealing with above average commute times with an automobile, I greatly benefit by using transit related services.

During special events, parking would be both costly and at premium in terms of supply. Taking advantage of alternative transportation modes allows me to frequent special events such as concerts, sporting events etc. without the difficulty in finding an available parking space.

I moved from Tampa where the lack of public transportation combined with the influx of individuals moving to Florida over the last 2 years, has caused traffic congestion to become a severe issue. I knew during my transition to Atlanta, that I did not want to deal with having to sit in idling traffic to access grocery stores, shopping, dining, and commuting to work. The frequency and easiness of MARTA allows me to not have to waste time with the traffic congestion that continues to plague Atlanta.

Living in Tampa, I continually experienced issues with parking which increased my level of anxiety and stress when owning an automobile. Recently Tampa increased parking rates and the influx of population has resulted in increased demand for parking making it difficult to find parking throughout the downtown core. I would be late to concerts and special events on a regular basis because you would have to factor in the time it takes to search for parking and the travel distance to the venue. Traffic and congestion often increased my levels of stress and anxiety when driving my automobile. The amount of time I have wasted sitting in traffic or trying to navigate parking lots to find parking is astounding. My mental health is my number one priority and removing the car from the equation has really helped my stress level decrease.

Living in Atlanta, I no longer have to plan out time or pay for spaces in a parking garage in order to explore the city. I regularly use MARTA on the weekends to visit bars, restaurants, and shopping without having to worry about where I can find parking for my vehicle. Transit affords you time to do other activities while you are riding the train which is something you can’t do when you are utilizing your automobile. I feel honored that I can participate in the transit system that Atlanta has to offer and I will continue to promote transit to both visitors and residents as a means of reducing your stress and reliance on vehicle culture.

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