
Buckhead is transforming from a place designed around the automobile to a more vital urban center focused on the pedestrian experience and mobility options.

Traffic. Talk about a waste of time and money!

Livable Buckhead provides programs and services that reduce the number of cars on the road, saving you valuable time and money and making our air easier to breathe.

Livable Buckhead is a partner of Georgia Commute Options, a regional program that offers free support services and financial incentives that encourage carpooling, vanpooling, teleworking, transit, biking and walking.

Buckhead is in the midst of a construction boom with multiple, ongoing construction projects anticipated to significantly impact high-volume areas.

Interested in trying an alternative mode during the duration of construction? You may be eligible for incentives and rewards. Learn more and sign up today!

A sustainable Buckhead is a Livable Buckhead


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