Programs > Mobility


Now more than ever, employers have a unique opportunity and motivation to provide commute support for their employees. Studies have consistently shown that the stress and expense of commuting are the primary reasons employees want to continue working from home even as the pandemic subsides. How can your business return to in-person operations without adding to employee expenses and stress?

In partnership with Georgia Commute Options, Livable Buckhead provides free consulting services to create customized commute options programs that benefit both the employee and the employer. These programs have been proven to significantly impact recruitment and retention, equity, company bottom-line, and health and wellness – and they can be an important element of corporate sustainability efforts.

When working with employers, we follow the below process:



Our team can work with you to save your employees time and money while helping to increase company productivity and decrease your bottom-line. Get started today.

Post-COVID Return To The Office: Flex Work Arrangements

The COVID-19 pandemic led to more people working from home than ever before, triggering an interruption in professional and personal routines that has continued well into 2021. As companies make plans for their post-pandemic workplaces, how can they maximize the benefits of teleworking for their bottom lines and for employee well-being? Livable Buckhead can help your organization navigate the post-COVID return to the office safely, while maximizing employee productivity and happiness.

Employer Telework Resources

During the COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever are working from home. We’ve gathered some of the best resources to help you stay connected with your employees and for them to be as productive as possible for as long as you need to work remotely.

In partnership with Georgia Commute Options, Livable Buckhead provides employers with access to free services that reduce drive-alone commuting and improve air quality. Our team can create a customized program that will save your employees money and help them avoid a stressful commute.

Discounted Monthly MARTA Passes

Livable Buckhead offers MARTA Breeze Cards at a 20% discount to companies. The cards are reloaded electronically by Livable Buckhead and MARTA, saving commuters time and hassle. Many employers subsidize the Breeze Card to encourage transit ridership and to receive a deduction on corporate taxes.

Due to new hybrid workforce behaviors, Livable Buckhead has put together a guide for commuters when choosing which transit products best fit their schedule.

Mobility Plans

The Livable Buckhead team has been in the transportation game for over 20 years and through our experience we have developed a realistic approach to helping our fellow commuters get to work.

A mobility plan uses GIS mapping and company-wide surveys to create a customized snapshot of an entire team, company, building or subset of individuals to find the best way for them to get to work. This composite of travel patterns allows for an ability to visualize, question, analyze, and interpret data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends in travel behavior.

A mobility plan can also assist in identifying if valuable employees are at risk of finding another job based on the time spent in traffic to and from work.

Interested in a more tailored mobility plan for your company?

Relocation Planning

Getting people to change their commute choice is no small feat. For this reason, Livable Buckhead specifically targets circumstances that disrupt these routines, like an office relocation. This is the best time to remind commuters that they do have options other than driving alone, and that your company formally supports these alternatives. If you are planning a move to or within Buckhead, our consultants will work with you to ease the pain and confusion of new commute for your employees.

Sustainable Office Guide

Why go green?

This resource provides suggestions on how to make your business operations more sustainable.

It’s important to not think of sustainability initiatives as a financial trade-off, but rather as a smart,financial strategy. Significant cost reductions can result from improving operational efficiency through better management of natural resources like water and energy as well as minimizing waste.

Benefits of becoming a green office:

  • positive environmental impact
  • reduced costs
  • increased productivity
  • positive public image

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