The Latest on Our Bee Habitat in North Buckhead

 In Greenspace

Livable Buckhead created a bee habitat in the North Buckhead neighborhood last year, and last month we performed our first hive inspection of the season. We’re very happy to report that our two hives not only survived the winter – they thrived! We have two very healthy hives, and one was just recently split in an effort to create a new hive. A hive split is the process of taking one honeybee colony with a large population and dividing it into two separate colonies.

Last spring, we held a very successful event to celebrate the arrival of our queen bee to her hive and we’ll be continuing to activate the park at 684 Mountain Drive this summer by hosting a series of events. We’re planning to have informational demonstrations with the bees, food, music, games, and more. We’ll keep you posted on these events as they approach.

Honeybees: Fun Facts On Our Pollinator Pals

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