Community Volunteer Projects

 In Community, Culture of Sustainability, Greenspace, Sustainability

We’re here to give you a recap of a few sustainability-related volunteer events we’ve held over the past few months.

Livable Buckhead hosts several volunteer events throughout the year. We do work along PATH400 and in other public spaces in Buckhead to support our ongoing efforts to better the community. Volunteer events are vital to helping us care for the communal areas we all utilize and enjoy, and they’re a great way to connect with friends and neighbors. We’re so appreciative of all those who’ve given their time over the years to help us make a positive impact in our local parks and other shared spaces.

PATH400 Pond Clean Up

This past February, we held our annual Maxine Rock Day of Service – a day to honor Maxine Rock, who helped found the PATH Foundation and was also founder and president of the North Buckhead Civic Association. We cleaned up the pond along PATH400 and had a great group come out to help us that day.

This pond is home to a family of beavers and many other wildlife species, including green herons, kingfishers, and waterfowl.

Our volunteers bravely strapped on their waders and trekked into the pond with their trash grabbers to help us rid the pond of much debris. We managed to fish out about 450 pounds of junk from in and around the pond that day!

North Buckhead Park Beautification

 Livable Buckhead is working to turn the plot of land at 684 Mountain Drive into a community park. Over the past few years, we’ve planted trees there, added picnic benches painted with colorful murals, and have even introduced bee hives with a supporting pollinator garden.

We’re continuously striving to make this area a beautiful space for all to enjoy. This past March, we were able to team up with a great group of students and their parents from Atlanta Classical Academy to tackle the mass of invasives and overgrown brush in the park. Our volunteers didn’t hold back and put in a lot of hard work. They pulled long stretches of vines from trees, grabbed invasive plants from their roots using weed wrenches, and helped us clear out a significant portion of the brush from this park.

If you’d like to get in on the action, check out our Volunteer Page and join us in an upcoming project or event!


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