Livable Buckhead x Do You Recycle? Challenge

 In News, Sustainability, Waste

Livable Buckhead has partnered with The Recycling Partnership and Live Thrive on the Do You Recycle? Challenge – a FREE program for multifamily communities with the goal of improving recycling outcomes. We provide multifamily properties with educational resources on how to recycle properly and technical assistance to help them track the quality and quantity of their recyclables. The goal of this program is to increase participation in recycling, reduce contamination (placing non-recyclable materials in the recycling bin), and track data to measure impacts.

We’re currently working with The Charles, Buckhead 960, Cortland at Phipps Plaza, and Canterbury Court to assist them in educating their residents on how to effectively participate in recycling in their community. Through this program, participants receive individualized signage, information cards, door hangers, and tote bags – all customized with the building’s specific recycling do’s and don’ts.

Participating properties also have the opportunity to receive a grant to fund infrastructure improvements. The Charles smartly seized this opportunity and decided to step up their recycling game by setting up a glass recycling system. They’re working with Haulin’ Glass to collect their residents’ glass to ensure it gets recycled. The Charles received a grant through the Do You Recycle? Challenge to fund the cost of their new glass collection containers.

Why Recycling Education?


While it might seem simple, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to recycling. You’ve got to make sure it’s the right material and that it’s clean before you toss it into that blue bin. These things matter! If you throw something in there that doesn’t belong, that’s called contamination. And it’s a problem because it can damage perfectly good recyclable materials and cause the whole load to be sent to the landfill. A very common contaminant is plastic bags. Recycling facilities can’t handle plastic bags because they jam their processing equipment and can cause the entire recycling facility to shut down as a result.

By providing residents with the knowledge on how to recycle right, the Do You Recycle? Challenge allows them to do their part and help improve recycling outcomes.

If you’re part of a multifamily community, reach out to us to take advantage of these great resources. You can learn more about the Do You Recycle? Challenge here.

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