My Adventures in Composting – The Resistance

 In Executive Director, Sustainability

Part 1: The Resistance

Many of you may have heard me say this about Livable Buckhead: “We only work on those technologies and initiatives that are positioned where the economy meets the environment and you are never going to see us go too far crazy left because what we do has to make business sense.”

Cloud from CompostNow explaining composting to Livable Buckhead and Buckhead CID staff

For years, this meant to me that composting was out of the question. I have even joked that there was no way I was composting at home in my kitchen because I was not going to have worms on my counter – because how freakin’ gross is that?!?!

But we all know that old dogs actually can learn new tricks and that sometimes millennials have good ideas…and that the staff here at Livable Buckhead knows how to work me to get what they want. So a few months ago, they convinced me to pilot composting in our office to “try it out” and “vet the vendor” before recommending it to our clients. I was totally skeptical, but reluctantly agreed.

Cloud (yes, that is his real name) from CompostNow came in to train us and give us a shiny new compost can. The young folks took to composting immediately, but I resisted…and heckled and judged.

I quickly developed a game where I would sarcastically ask which can to put every little thing into just to annoy everyone and point out how stupid and inconvenient composting was. But then I realized that more was going into the compost can than the recycle and trash cans. Composting wasn’t smelly or gross at all – it even felt better because I was no longer frustrated by not recycling things with food on them…I could compost them! Bonus: I worked more steps into my daily routine because I had to get up from my desk to take things to the compost bin!

CompostNow from CompostNow on Vimeo.

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