Living In Atlanta Without A Car: Introduction To Transit

 In Mobility

Buckhead MARTA Station

My name is Miguel Nieves and I am the new Mobility Services Coordinator for Livable Buckhead and new resident to Atlanta as I relocated to the region about a month ago. I recently graduated with my Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of South Florida and have worked in the private sector on a variety of planning projects. I will be working with Livable Buckhead to promote alternative transportation options, work on transportation planning related projects and continue to advocate on the creation of a more pedestrian and walkable focused community.

My motivation to utilize alternative transit options started when I lived in Tampa prior to relocating to the Atlanta Region. The City of Tampa lacked public transportation options requiring me to use my personal automobile to commute to work. I ensured that during my transition to Atlanta, that my partner and I would purchase a home that would be located within close proximity to a MARTA transit station.

I currently live in Downtown and utilize the MARTA Five Point Station to commute to Buckhead for work. Atlanta’s robust transit network has allowed me to completely remove my reliance for the automobile and use public transit for all work and personal needs. I save time when commuting to work and reduce my contribution to Atlanta’s current traffic congestion. I can access everything Buckhead has to offer including Path 400, fine dining and boutique shopping located near both transit stations.

One benefit that allowed me to transition to use public transit so easily is because I am supported by my current employer. I receive a monthly MARTA breeze card allowing me to utilize transit to commute to work, access grocery stores, shopping and other related needs. Employees are more likely to utilize transit if their employer compensates the monthly cost of using MARTA. I save hundreds of dollars per month by using employer purchased transit rather than relying on a personal automobile to access the Atlanta region.

I will always actively recommend using Atlanta’s transit network to my colleagues and friends that live in Atlanta. I find it easy to utilize the affordable public transit options that Atlanta has afforded to it’s visitors and residents.

“I am able to multi-task, listen to music and reduce my frustration of finding parking and driving within congested roadways”. Miguel actively enjoys using transit and reducing his carbon footprint daily.

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