I Saw Santa

 In Community, Uncategorized

***Guest blog by: Lindsey Jones,  Director of Marketing – Lenox Square***

Lenox Square welcomes guests to create magical memories with the Man in Red

For generations, Atlantans have visited Lenox Square during the holidays as part of a time-honored tradition. Children and families eagerly await the chance to ride Priscilla the Pink Pig, gather with loved ones to wonder at the Macy’s Great Tree Lighting and of course, pay a visit to the jolliest man in town – Santa Claus! Lenox Square’s Santa is known for his magical Christmas cheer, listening to whispered holiday wishes and holding children on his lap for that unforgettable Christmas photo memory.

Over the years, we’ve found that one of the greatest joys for our young visitors is telling others about their memorable moments with St. Nick. To share the magic, we began giving ‘I saw Santa’ stickers in 2017 as a way for little ones to proudly display their badge of honor following a visit with Santa. Now in our third year of this program, members of Lenox Square’s management team and our store employees look forward to this Simon tradition and the opportunity to ask children about their special time with Santa. We enjoy it so much that we are now inviting members of the community to also engage with guests wearing the special sticker.

Most of us can still recall the enchantment of seeing Santa Claus at our local shopping center. At Lenox Square, it’s our goal to connect with the community and create holiday magic around this extraordinary time.  The ‘I Saw Santa’ stickers are yet another way for Buckhead residents and the Lenox Square family to interact with parents and the children wearing the stickers after their special visit with Kris Kringle. I thoroughly enjoy walking through the shopping center during November and December and hearing children recount their conversations with Santa and think members of the community will too. These heartfelt exchanges add to the magic of the season and the cherished traditions at Lenox Square.

We welcome everyone to visit Lenox Square and make their own memories this holiday season.

Santa’s looking forward to seeing you and we can’t wait to hear about it!

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