How to Recycle This Holiday Season

 In Sustainability

**Guest blog co-contributor: Peggy Whitlow Ratcliff, Founder and Executive Director, LiveThrive Atlanta (CHARM Center)**

The holidays often generate a lot of extra waste… not this year! You can make sure that waste is recycled or composted!

Here’s what you need to know about some of the most prevalent items in the holiday waste stream:

  1. Wrapping paper, gift boxes, cardboard boxes (not ribbon or plastic film): Paper products are SO RECYCLABLE! You can easily gather up the paper mess and put it in your blue curbside bin or take it down to the CHaRM Center
  2. Plastics, including broken toys, ornaments: Plastics #1 and #2 are likely recyclable in your blue curbside, all plastics are taken at CHARM
  3. Metal and cans: likely recyclable in your blue curbside, all metals are taken at CHARM
  4. Styrofoam: Take it to CHaRM!
  5. Broken holiday lights, decorations, and electronics: Take it to CHaRM!
  6. Glass: Take it to CHaRM!
  7. Christmas trees: Take it to CHaRM!
  8. ALL THE FOOD: Give yourself (and the planet) the gift of a membership to CompostNow, the valet composting service that will take all of your food straps and the leftovers that were too leftover and turn them into beautiful soil!
  9. Clothing: You may also find yourself with some time over the holidays to clean out your closets. CHaRM is an American Thrift Store drop off site!

CHaRM stands for The Center for Hard to Recycle Materials. It is a permanent drop-off facility that aims to improve our environmental health by encouraging reuse and diverting thousands of pounds of household hazardous waste, bulky trash and other hard to recycle items from Metro-Atlanta landfills and water systems.

Hours of Operation
Tuesday & Thursday 9am-4pm
Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm

Fall/Winter Closings

December 24th-28th

January 1, 2019

1110 Hill Street SE
Atlanta, GA. 30315




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