Historic Infrastructure Bill Has Been Signed Into Law

 In Legislation

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be signed by President Joe Biden today, marking a historical moment for the nation’s transportation and utility networks. This momentous legislation includes new policies, programming, and funding that will benefit national networks and even local infrastructure here in Buckhead. Some major focal points of the legislation include: 

  • Replacing lead pipes across the country 
  • Expanding high-speed internet to all Americans 
  • Repairing and rebuilding dilapidated roads, highways, and bridges 
  • Expanding public transit options to reach more Americans 
  • Expanding and upgrading airports and sea ports  
  • Expand and strengthen interstate passenger rail service 
  • Create a comprehensive network electric vehicle (EV) chargers 

One major cornerstone of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is the creation of the Safe Streets and Roads for All program. This program will support the creation and implementation of comprehensive Vision Zero plans across the United States. Vision Zero is a global movement to design safer streets that help prevent pedestrian fatalities and other injuries. Providing federal grants to implement Vision Zero plans in the United States signals the beginning of tangible change that will prove beneficial for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.  

Counties, Cities, MPOs, and Tribal Governments would be eligible to apply for funding to develop and implement safer street plans that are aligned with Vision Zero goals. The City of Atlanta’s Department of Transportation is currently in the initial stages of developing a Vision Zero Action Plan and the new Safe Streets and Roads for All program has the potential to push the Atlanta’s Vision Zero goals into reality. 

For more information about this program and other transportation programs funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, please visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-deal/#roadsandbridges. 

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