Earth Day Every Day

 In Culture of Sustainability, Sustainability

While Earth day is a great day to come together to highlight how we call can be more friendly to the environment, it’s not enough to improve the environment. We all have to do our part to help the planet every day. It doesn’t have to be extreme, but if we all make a few small, intentional changes we can make a huge positive impact.  Here are a few things you can do to help:

1. Carry a reusable water bottle or coffee cup to work

About half of the annual plastic production is for single use products. Bringing your own water bottle or coffee cup to work helps reduce your overall waste production of single-use plastics

(Tip: You also may get a discount for bringing your own cup… just ask.)

2. Get an office plant

Plants are great for the environment, physical, and mental health. Studies show that offices with plants have happier employees. Easy office plants are succulents and air plants. They need little water and they are hard to kill if you weren’t blessed with a green thumb.

(Tip! Put rocks at the bottom of your planter. It will help keep your plants from sitting in water… and dying.)

3. Go shop at a thrift store first

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Purchasing items from secondhand shops and thrift stores can give new life something used and divert waste. Get a group of friends together and go see what you can find. Vintage items are always a cool unique find.

4. Recycle

Only 23% of plastic bottles are recycled in the US. We can all do a little better people! It’s pretty simple. If you want a bigger challenge, try composting.

5. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth

It saves you money and helps the planet people!

(Fun Fact: Atlanta’s water is one of the most expensive in the country. Turn off your faucet and your wallet will thank you.)

6. Switch out your light bulbs for high-efficiency ones

Traditional incandescent light bulbs use more energy and have to be replaced more often than high-efficiency bulbs. I don’t know about you, but I like to keep the energy bill as low as possible.

7. Become more CHaRMing

CHaRM stands for The Center for Hard to Recycle Materials. It is a permanent drop-off facility that aims to improve our environmental health by encouraging reuse and diverting thousands of pounds of household hazardous waste, bulky trash and other hard to recycle items from Metro-Atlanta landfills and water systems. Located at 1110 Hill Street SE, Atlanta, GA. 30315, CHaRM accepts materials not normally accepted in your regular curbside pick-up and disposes of them properly. Here is a list of accepted items.

(Fun Fact: CHaRM also has pop-up sites in Buckhead and Chamblee/ Brookhaven.)

8. Take public transit

Using public transit reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This also helps keep our air clean and reduces traffic congestion. With improvements in technology, like bike and scooter share, using transit just got a lot easier and more fun. Interested in trying public transit, we can help you figure out your mobility options.

9. Participate in a volunteer clean up

Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the community and be an environmental steward. Helping to clean up a local park ensure that native plants have adequate space to grow and it rids our communities of invasive species. A pretty park is a park everyone wants to be in.

Interested in volunteering in Buckhead, let us know! Questions? We can handle those as well. We hope you’ll consider joining our fun-loving team in order to bring quality events to the Buckhead community.

10. Pack a reusable bag and utensils

Using reusable bags and utensil significantly helps reduce waste. Across the country, cities and states are starting to implement plastic bag bans and taxes. An easy way to get ahead of the curve is to jump on the bandwagon before you find out there’s a new bag tax at the grocery store.

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