Henri’s 61 Irby – Update #2

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Description:   Reduction of required parking spaces from an overall total of 532 spaces to 424.

Applicant:  Jessica Hill/Kim Buckley


Recommendations Regarding Variations: 

Section 16-18I.023 Parking requirements

The proposed development includes 282 multifamily units and 14,800sf of retail/commercial development.  The proposed parking plan incorporates 1 space per bedroom plus an additional 10% in parking spaces for guests and an additional 50 spaces to meet the commercial requirement.  Parking for the residential portion is entered from East Paces Ferry and ramps up while parking for the commercial/retail uses is accessed from Irby and goes down where 74 spaces are located.

Recommendation – the committee recommends approval of the proposed parking reduction, however, notes this area of the village is not currently well served by transit and encourages the applicant to participate in a future effort to jointly fund buc shuttle service for the area.

  The Development Committee does not expect to see this applicant again unless significant changes are made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations or the City staff requests additional input from the DRC.

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