Buckhead CID partnered with the City of Atlanta, sister organization Livable Buckhead, and local resident neighbors through Neighborhood Planning Unit B to develop a new zoning ordinance (SPI-9) that covers a significant part of the Buckhead commercial area.

Development Review Committee (DRC)

Development Review Committees (DRC) have been established as an advisory group for the purpose of providing to the Director of the Bureau of Planning formal comments on Special Administrative Permit (SAP) applications within a particular SPI zoning district.

The DRC convenes monthly (or as needed) to comment on SAP applications within a particular District.  Each DRC shall provide recommendations to the Office of Planning Staff and the applicant within 7 business days, unless applicant is requested to return to the applicable DRC, and or present to respective neighborhood organization(s), or NPU.

Each DRC shall consist of committee members representing the corresponding SPI district stakeholders, including: property owner(s), business owner(s) or resident(s), and applicable neighborhood organization(s).

DRC Meetings

DRC meetings are open to the public and take place on the first Wednesday of each month in Suite 1515 of Tower Place 100, 3340 Peachtree Road, 30326.  The SPI-9 DRC meeting begins at 1:00pm.  For questions or to be placed on the agenda, please click here.

Please fill out and submit this survey the Friday prior to your scheduled appearance before the DRC. Failure to submit on time may delay review of your project.


The zoning, adopted by Atlanta City Council on October 4, 2010, sets the stage for a more walkable, urban community enriched with public art and parks, wide sidewalks, greenspace, transportation options, and outdoor dining, all designed to have international appeal.

DRC Members:

City of Atlanta Staff Representative: Thomas Otoo / Tshaka Warren

CID Representative: Bonnie Dean, Selig Enterprises / Dwight Bell, Loudermilk Bell

Neighborhood Representative: Bob Stasiowski, NPU-B

District 7 Council Representative:  Sally Silver

Livable Buckhead Representative: Denise Starling



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