buckheadWALKS! Competition Tips

 In Community, Health and Wellness

With buckheadWALKS! in full swing, we all need to bring our ‘A’ game. If you plan on winning these prizes, you have to put your best foot forward. Here are a few tips to help you, your team or office get as many points as you can get.

Walk more than what you drive

The first tip is probably the easiest.  An easy tip is if your destination is within a 10-minute walk, try walking instead. By choosing to walk more than driving, you can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Buckhead.

Have a walking meeting

Getting outside can be challenging sometimes when you work at the computer every day. An easy way to get outside can be having a walking meeting. Instead of sitting at the table in the office, take a walk around the corner, down PATH400 or to a close coffee shop. Walking meetings are not only great at integrating activity into the workday, but it can inspire collaboration and be an avenue to build stronger relationships.

Park in a parking space farther away

Parking farther away from the building is a simple way to will you get in a couple more steps on your way into and out of work. Want to push yourself a little? When you go to the store, park farther away. You may even get out of the parking lot faster. A little can go a long way you know.

Take your coffee outside

It’s easy to get coffee and go right back to your desk and start working. Instead, take a short walk around the office or around the block. Taking a moment for a little break can help you get refocused and mentally ready to get back to work.

Bring your walking shoes to work

Sometimes walking isn’t the nicest on our shoes. If you’re worried about putting creases in your shoes or your feet hurting after a long walk, an easy solution is to bring an extra of friendly walking shoes to work.

Make it a family affair

Walking is a great way to spend quality time with the people you care about. Instead of sitting around watching TV, take a walk around the neighborhood together after dinner.  Who knows, it might become a family tradition.

Come to our events

Throughout the month of May, Livable Buckhead will be hosting events to help you get your steps in. Here is a list of some of them-




  • walkTHERE! – The happiest hour of the week in Buckhead


  • Community Walk – A lunchtime guided tour of Buckhead
  • Scavenger Hunt – A week-long hunt for some cool prizes (May 13th – May 17th)


Check out our page for details on other events.

Taking a few extra steps every day is so beneficial for your mental and physical health. From helping to reduce the likelihood of diseases to providing a little peace of mind, walking can help. With a few extra changes to your daily routine, you are ready to go.

Now… Ready, Set, Walk!








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