Atlanta Earth Day Celebrations

 In Community, News, Sustainability

How to Gift Your Time to Mother Earth

With Earth Day right around the corner, it is time to choose how you will show your love for our planet. The power of collective action is essential towards creating a resilient future. By joining a local event you are contributing to the support of our one and only planet Earth. The act of showing up has more impact than you can ever imagine.

On April 22, 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson created a day for the nation to demonstrate its support for the protection of our environment. Hoping to raise awareness and aid environmental activism, 20 million Americans (10% of the total population at the time) took part in activities supporting the movement. The result was the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency which led to the creation of laws such as the Clean Air Act, National Environmental Education Act, and Clean Water Act. Earth Day has grown into an annual global event honoring the achievements of the environmental movement and mobilizing inhabitants to preserve, protect, and defend Mother Earth. Planet vs Plastic is the official global theme for this year. has an entire section dedicated to information on plastic education and action.

Only 5% of plastic in the US is recycled, with the rest infiltrating our bodies, water, and environment, introducing harmful chemicals that disrupt Earth’s delicate balance. While once hailed as a technological marvel, plastic’s widespread, often unnecessary use has become a societal hindrance. This Earth Day, let’s rally for change. Join the movement in advocating for a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040, paving the way for a plastic-free future for generations to come.

At home, you can also support the movement by attending an Earth Day event and help out our local organizations that make sustainable impacts in our community. Earth Day is a call to action for all those wanting to donate their time and energy. Livable Buckhead wants to help make this easier for you. We have compiled a list of events and resources for the historic day. With so many options, how can you not find one that is perfect for you?

Atlanta Area Events Celebrating Earth Day 2024






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