3121 East Shadowlawn Avenue, NW

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Description: A proposal for the development of a wine shop, which will include an area for tasting and browsing. The development will consist of two retail levels, no food service, totaling 4200 sf. The façade will consist of painted brick, limestone, slate roofing, steel doors and windows, and flagstone.

Click the image below to download all documents:

Applicant:  Gamble & Gamble Architects

Recommendations Regarding Variations:

Sec. 16-18I.015:  STREETSCAPE requirements table; Walk zone width

Recommendation:  The committee recommends approval for the subject variation. The variation would permit a reduction of the minimum walk-zone width from 10’ to 6’. The committee recognizes the need to uphold existing zoning codes so that future development is uniform and accessible, but in consideration of the existing and surrounding streetscape, the requested variation is appropriate for maintaining neighborhood character and consistency with nearby development projects.

Sec. 16-18I.017:  Relationship between Building and Street; (5) Fenestration

Recommendation:  The committee recommends approval for the subject variations. The variations would permit a decrease in the minimum percentage of building fenestration from 65% to 50% and would permit an increase in the maximum height that window openings are allowed along the sidewalk elevation from 3’ to 6’. The committee recognizes the architect’s need to accommodate ADA accessibility from the sidewalk elevation to the building and the architect’s desire to maintain the existing neighborhood character with this project.

Additional Recommendations:

The applicant is proposing to remove two 40-inch caliper oak trees on the property.  While the tree protection ordinance is not under the purview of this committee, the committee feels it necessary to   recommend the applicant make a concerted effort to preserve both trees including coordinating with an arborist to discuss the feasibility of maintaining said trees during the demolition and construction process.

The Development Committee does not expect to see this applicant again unless significant changes are made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations or the City staff requests additional input from the DRC.

Second Submittal 

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