To All Atlanta Better Buildings Challenge Participants

 In Sustainability

**Guest Blog by Joe Winslow, Program Manager, Southface**

It’s that time of year again!

On behalf of the Atlanta Better Building Challenge (ABBC), thank you for your efforts in advancing Atlanta’s progress towards winning the national Better Buildings Challenge. We reached our 20% water savings goal in 2015 but our work is not done. We are very close to reaching our 20% energy savings goal, 19.3% as of 2017!

This year’s annual reporting deadline is Friday, March 1st, 2019. If your property is enrolled as a participant in the ABBC you are required to update your ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Account data for the period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 for all of the facilities you have committed to the ABBC. Please get your data in Portfolio Manager as soon as possible.

In January of 2019, the ABBC team will begin reviewing utility data. In the 1st quarter of of 2019, you may be asked to review:

  • Current year (2018) data for accuracy
  • Baseline Year (specific to your property) data for accuracy
  • Property use details for accuracy. (Square footage, hours of operation, number of workers, etc.)

As a participant in the ABBC, your data is confidential and Atlanta’s progress is reported to the Department of Energy in aggregate.

We encourage you to take advantage of the support provided to meet the reporting deadline. On behalf of the ABBC program, thank you for your participation in making this program a success!

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