The Way Back to the Workplace: Public Transit

 In Mobility, Mobility

Today: Public Transit

For lots of us, Public Transit is our only practical way to work, and although I feel like few people are eager to return to the daily commute, the time will come when at least a few days a week, it will be necessary. Transit ridership took a major hit as the COVIDs set in; but as we’ve learned more about transmission, one of the sunniest bits of news is that simple, homemade cloth masks have proven quite effective at slowing the virus’ spread. So here are some tips for those like me who must one day return to those familiar train cars and stations, or share a bus in these awkward times:

  1. Be Flexible and Understanding: A lot of the reliable scheduling and equipment that were hallmarks of public transport before COVID have been changed. Your employees who were used to their transit commutes may be met with unexpected variations, or -very likely- just a whole lot less service. Give your employees time to adjust to the new normal; service should improve if public health conditions continue to improve.
  2. Share Information: Many transit agencies have changing schedules or directions that
    are only being posted online; make sure employees are aware of the changes, and connect them with Livable Buckhead’s Mobility Concierge for a Custom Commute Plan if they’re unsure.
  3. Provide Feedback: If your business is hearing about issues with getting to your worksite, let
    your transit agency know. Real-time feedback on how new schedules, routes, and traffic
    patterns are working will help ensure your employees a smooth commute.
  4. Follow Signs and Be Patient: Because of the requirements for social distancing, you may not be able to board the first vehicle that comes – Buses and train cars may have restricted seating to ensure physical distancing, be sure to adhere to those guidelines. Employers, see #1!

In future installments I’ll discuss:

  • Parking pricing
  • Telecommuting

And see my previous post on Carpooling.

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