Help Fight Crime, One Car at a Time

 In Executive Director, Security

Did you know that more than one third of all crimes in Buckhead are vehicle break-ins? In fact, so far this year more than $171,000 and 139 guns have been stolen from vehicles in our community. It doesn’t take a genius to see that we’ve got a problem on our hands.

Want to help us solve it? It’s easy. Just follow three easy steps every time you leave your car:

  • Take valuables with you.
  • Hide anything of value that you can’t take before you arrive at your destination.
  • Lock your doors.

“Take, Hide, Lock” is the central theme of our new campaign to reduce vehicle break-ins in Buckhead. Thanks to funding from the Buckhead CID, we’ll soon take this message to local office buildings and shopping destinations by placing signs in parking decks and near building entries. You’ll also begin to see more public safety information in this newsletter and Livable Buckhead’s social media channels.

We’ve also taken steps to improve the flow of security-related information across Buckhead. Security directors for commercial properties now meet quarterly to share information and get updates from Zone 2 of the Atlanta Police Department. We’ve also facilitated real-time communication that enables security directors to alert one another to potential security issues across the commercial district.

Buckhead has some of Atlanta’s best shopping, hotels and restaurants, which makes us a target-rich environment for vehicle break-ins. People come to the area to shop or visit and leave valuable items in their cars, including guns, not realizing that they’re making themselves a target and contributing to a larger problem. Don’t be a target. Remembering to take, hide and lock not only protects your personal property, but it can help make the entire Buckhead community safer as well.

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