From Road Rage to Relaxing Rides

 In Mobility

My Commute

As a full time Georgia Tech student, living off campus in West Midtown, with a part time job in Buckhead, a large portion of my week consists of travel. Until this semester – I had been driving to and from Livable Buckhead 3 days a week. However, this February I finally made the switch to taking MARTA from the Midtown station to the Buckhead station instead of driving! Not including moving between buildings on campus, or other special events my weekly travel generally looks like this:

Why I Switched

Now that I’ve switched over to taking MARTA, I can’t imagine going back to being a single driver. I think the only thing I miss is singing in the car… which I can do in the shower anyways! Here are the main reasons I switched and will never go back:

My Monthly Metrics

Using the Georgia Commute Options app, I can track my commute each day of the week – setting my multi-mode trips to repeat automatically! I can also add other unexpected trips or delete a scheduled trip easily online or on the mobile app. This allows me to see my progress and savings – while also earning points towards cool rewards.

Below are my metrics after 4 weeks of commuting:


Money saved = miles not driven times the US govt mileage rate

Gas saved = miles not driven X MPG of my car

Calories burned = (miles I walked / 2 MPH walking X 204 cal/hr for a female) + (miles I biked /10 MPH biking X 292 cal/hr for female)

Emissions prevented = gallons of gas saved x 19.6 lbs Carbon Dioxide per gallon


In just one month, I have saved over one hundred dollars, and prevented 117 pounds of carbon dioxide from being emitted. I have also accumulated enough reward points for 50% off a yoga class, a free ticket to the Atlanta History Center, a free entrée at Soul Vegetarian, a free game of bowling, 25% off the entire bill at Bareburger AND still have points left over!

How you can join me in making the switch

Livable Buckhead is a partner of Georgia Commute Options, a regional program that offers free support services and financial incentives that encourage carpooling, vanpooling, teleworking, transit, biking and walking. Our Mobility Concierge, Kip Dunlap, can create a custom commute plan that will allow you to cut down your single rider car travel time. Some other incentives you can capitalize on once you switch include guaranteed rides home or free money!

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