45 Irby Avenue – Fire Hen

 In Uncategorized

Description:  Renovation of existing 2708sf space to include a restaurant use

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Applicant: Patti Walls, Pat Schell, Edens

SAP#:  19-062

Project Scope: Restaurant

Variation Requested:

Recommendations Regarding Variations

Section 16-18I.017. 5 Relationship to Street: Variation to reduce the percentage of fenestration provided at the sidewalk level on Cain’s Hill from 65% to undeclared % of the length of the building for nonresidential uses on Type 1, 2, and 3 streets.

Recommendation: The committee does not believe this variation is needed as Cains Hill is a Type 4 street, however, recommends the applicant activate this wall with a mural to create a pedestrian-friendly street experience.

Section 16-18I.017.2  Pedestrian Entrance on Cains Hill.

Recommendation: The committee recommends approval of this variation due to topography challenges between the existing building and sidewalk

Section 16-18I.025:  Bicycle Parking Requirements

Recommendation:  The recommends the applicant incorporate bicycle parking required to comply with the code requirements.

  The Development Committee does not expect to see this applicant again unless significant changes are made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations or the City staff requests additional input from the DRC.

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