Countdown to the 2018 Triple Bottom Line Award

 In Sustainability

2018’s Triple Bottom Line Award winner kicks off Livable Buckhead’s 8 days of sustainability as we launch our Strategic Sustainability Action Plan next week and make our way to the announcement of the 2018 Triple Bottom Line Award presented at the Buckhead Business Association’s Annual Luncheon and Business Expo on January 19th, 2019.

**Guest blog contributor: Virginia Ferguson, Senior Property Manager, 3630 Peachtree and 2017 Livable Buckhead & Buckhead Business Association Triple Bottom Line Award winner**

Transwestern, for its work at 3630 Peachtree, was awarded Livable Buckhead’s Triple Bottom Line Award in 2017 for the demonstrated success in the development and implementation of programs, projects, and policies that drive sustainability forward in the community. The sustainability initiatives on this property grew from a focused plan of creating and increasing awareness on ways to save and reduce energy water and waste among our partners and tenants to developing and implementing policies and procedures that significantly reduced energy and water usage and increased recycling.

A few of the ways this was done was by installing a blow down meter to the cooling tower to divert approximately 250,000 gallons of water, installing 4 electric vehicle charging stations to raise awareness of the benefits of electric cars, retro fitting the office portion of the garage lighting to LED reducing electricity usage by 75% as well as partnered with the neighboring church and Livable Buckhead (LBI) to assist with their sustainability efforts.  These successful implementations led to being honored with this award which gave acknowledgement to the tenants, building staff and vendors for all their hard work.  These savings and sustainability awareness was a true team effort among everyone.  In addition, the award brought further awareness to our efforts with LBI and therefore, has motivated others to take part.

All of this would not have been at all possible without the partnership with LBI. Through this partnership we work together not just for the building assets we serve, but for the community more broadly.  We have been successful in developing new concepts and programs, resources for recyclables not included in the mix stream programs, composting options and trial runs, and marketing materials.  Additionally, together we have created training seminars for tenants, building staff, and vendors that held throughout the year which has already shown to provide a high level of interest and participation as well as a sustainability committee comprised of building managers, owners, engineers, and LBI staff who stay on top of sustainability trends and share ideas of things that have worked and not worked – all for the purpose of continuing to drive down energy and water usage and increase recycling for a cleaner community.

We are so honored to have won this award, and through this recognition it has proven that hard work does pay off. We are so appreciative of all LBI does for our community and look forward to continuing to work with them on sustainability initiatives in the future.


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