Connect Atlanta: Enabling The People Of Atlanta To Help Keep Our City Safe

 In Safety

Connect Atlanta the newest safety program brought to you by the Atlanta Police Department (APD) and is the next phase of Operation Shield which is designed to keep residents of Atlanta safe. This is a voluntary program that enables residents like you to create a safer Atlanta for all its people. What’s really special about this program is that it enables residents and businesses to directly partner with the police department to reduce and investigate criminal activity.

It consists of two parts: camera registry and camera integration.

First, the camera registry enables you to help the APD investigate criminal activity and keep our neighborhoods safe. It’s as simple as going to and entering in your name, contact information and the number of cameras at your business or residence. By taking 60 seconds to do that you’ll be helping APD investigators to more quickly solve crimes in or around your location. Registering your cameras does not mean anyone can access live video streams. It simply means we’ll know cameras are present at your location if an incident occurs. Once the registration is complete investigators will only contact you directly if they need your assistance with camera footage. That’s it.

Second, if you’re interested in adding an even greater layer of security around your location, then you can opt for camera integration. This upgrade will enable you to get more out of your security camera investment by sharing live streams directly with the APD. You can choose to share your video streams continuously or only at the press of the panic button based on your own privacy settings. Live camera sharing has great benefits as it will enable a faster response to incidents at your location and help arriving officers understand the nature of your emergency before they arrive. To integrate your cameras into the growing public safety network, all you will need is an inexpensive core device, which plugs right into your camera system. You can find a selection of these at

“The core technology that enables private locations to share their cameras is a game changer for us. It’s an inexpensive and easy to use solution. As our network of cameras grows, the system will enhance the safety of both our citizens and first responders, lead to a more informed decision-making process, and produce better investigations.” ~ Sergeant Paul Bryant, APD.

We encourage every member of our community to join together as we work to keep our city safe for all its residents.

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