Buckhead Security Plan Update – April 2021

 In Security

***Guest Blog: Jim Durrett – President, Buckhead Coalition / Executive Director, Buckhead CID***

The Buckhead Security Plan called for several actions to increase deterrence of crime and enforcement of law. The plan calls for an expansion of the Operation Shield network of cameras and license plate readers, not only in Buckhead, but in other parts of Atlanta. When the Plan was launched in December, there were just over 300 cameras or license plate readers in Buckhead. To date, the funding of the plan has enabled the purchase and installation of an additional 14 cameras and 14 license plate readers within Buckhead to “close the gaps” in our existing network. These will be installed during May. More will be rolled out in future phases as funding allows. In addition, a census of existing “private” cameras that are not currently connected into Operation Shield is being undertaken for future integration.

The plan calls for additional investment in and promotion of the Crime Stoppers Atlanta program that provides rewards for tips leading to arrests. Funds have been added to the rewards pool for tips related to crimes committed in Buckhead, and a robust advertising of the program throughout Atlanta will be rolled out in early April.

The plan calls for supplementary police patrols to be operated within commercial corridors in Buckhead to augment the patrols operated by APD’s Zone 2. There are now three supplementary patrols operating within the Buckhead CID six nights per week (not Mondays) from early evening to early morning. Two patrols operate from 6pm to 2am, and one patrol operates from 8pm to 4am. These patrols are targeted to “hot spots” of nuisance and criminal behavior. When sufficient funding allows, more patrols will be established in commercial areas in Greater Buckhead outside of the CID limits. In addition, four APD bicycle patrols have been established within the Buckhead CID, operating weekdays from 10am to 6pm. These patrols will be very visible along Peachtree and Piedmont and side streets, and will provide coverage of parking decks and parking lots where automobile larcenies tend to occur. Additionally, the plan calls for better communication among all entities providing security services within Greater Buckhead. 89 COMNET radios have been acquired and a program is being launched in April to work out the kinks and develop the protocol for this new communication platform.

The plan calls for a rollout of a Clean Car Campaign, an educational campaign reminding people to lock their cars after hiding or taking bags or anything of value in their vehicles. In addition, people are encouraged to keep any firearms in a car lock-box. Livable Buckhead is now working with property managers to implement this campaign.

The plan also encourages action on 20 policies and practices that will benefit the safety and security of Atlanta’s residents and businesses. Progress is being made on most of those listed in the plan, including cracking down on illegal club activity and street racing. In addition, five police officers have applied for housing subsidies to allow them to live within Buckhead.

To date, the Atlanta Police Foundation, the Buckhead CID, the members of the Buckhead Coalition, three members of Atlanta City Council, and dozens of residents and businesses in Buckhead have contributed to funding the plan. The budget to pay for all of the items included in the Plan, plus the bike patrol, is just over $2,400,000 for 2021. We have raised approximately 60% of that total, and are still seeking $985,000 to fully fund the plan for 2021. Contributions are tax-deductible, and can be made here and selecting Buckhead Security Plan Fund in the appropriate drop-down box.

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