308-324 Pharr Road

 In Uncategorized

Description: Environmental Remediation, reconstruction and remodel of existing strip commercial shopping center.  Approximately ¼ to 1/3 of the site is impacted.  Cleaners to be completely demolished and soil removed underneath 10 to 20 feet.  Façade improvements will be incorporated along the entire frontage of the development. Dumpsters will be relocated to an easement worked out with adjacent Oliver McMillan site.  North Fulton façade to include green wall and introduction of landscape strip and trees.

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Recommendations Regarding Variations:

Section 16-18I.010 Triggers and exemptions

Recommendation:  The committee notes the applicant has indicated exemptions from several sections due to the scale of renovations.  Only sections .015, .016 and .017 are excepted.  All other sections apply.  

Section 16-18I.022 Parking lot landscape requirements. 

Recommendation:  The committee recommends the applicant modify plans to meet the requirements of the code.

Additional Recommendations

Fenestration on North Fulton – while a Type 4 street, the committee recommends the applicant consider extending the fenestration to better activate the street.

Recycling – the committee recommends the applicant coordinate with Livable Buckhead   to institute recycling activities with the development opens

The committee recommends the applicant incorporate some type of vegetative screen on the Pharr Road street frontage between the sidewalk and the parking lot.

Bicycle Parking – The committee recommends the applicant relocate the proposed bicycle parking rack closer to the building and away from the street.


  The Development Committee does not expect to see this applicant again unless significant changes are made to the proposed plans that necessitate additional variations or the City staff requests additional input from the DRC.

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