Programs > Energy

Embodied Carbon

Building Better in Buckhead

Livable Buckhead is committed to partnering with developers, architects, and contractors to make Buckhead a leader in sustainable building practices. One crucial aspect of this mission is addressing embodied carbon, the environmental impact of the materials and construction processes used in buildings.

What is Embodied Carbon and why is it important?

Buildings and construction contribute significantly to global carbon emissions, responsible for 38% of energy-related CO2 emissions. While much focus is on the energy used for heating, cooling, and appliances, the impact of building materials and construction activities—known as embodied carbon—is often overlooked.

Embodied carbon encompasses the CO2 emissions from the production, transportation, and assembly of building materials. This accounts for 10% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. High-emission materials like cement, steel, aluminum, glass, and insulation play a significant role in these emissions.

Addressing embodied carbon is crucial in our fight against climate change. Livable Buckhead is in a position to influence new construction projects in our neighborhood and our goal is to create a future-proof neighborhood that meets the needs of current and future tenants while reducing the carbon footprint of our buildings. By promoting low-carbon materials and sustainable construction practices, we contribute to a healthier, more sustainable community.

What does addressing Embodied Carbon entail?

Reducing embodied carbon in building projects can be both cost-effective and impactful, especially when addressed early in the design phase. Early intervention allows for major design adjustments to align with environmental goals before they become set in stone.

In high-rise concrete and steel construction projects, such as those common in the Buckhead neighborhood, structural materials account for approximately 70% of embodied carbon, envelope for 20%, and interiors for 10%. Therefore, focusing on reducing the embodied carbon of materials like concrete and steel yields the most significant reductions.

Key Strategies for Reducing Embodied Carbon

Collaborative Design

    • Work with the project team to set clear goals for embodied carbon reduction and audit progress with life-cycles assessments (LCAs)
    • Involve architects, landscape architects, structural engineers, and other key stakeholders early in the design process to optimize low-carbon building design

Build Less

    • Reuse or redevelop an existing building before committing to a new building
    • Use only the necessary amount of materials to achieve structural integrity.
    • Reduce loads where possible to minimize materials needed for structural elements

Low-Carbon Design

    • Focus on reducing the embodied carbon of the structure and envelope where there is the most opportunity
    • Specify low-carbon, natural or renewable materials. Prioritize:
      • Low-carbon Concrete: Use mixes with lower carbon footprints, such as those incorporating fly ash or slag.
      • Sustainable Steel: Source steel with higher recycled content and lower production emissions.
    • Design for eco-friendly finishes like low-VOC paints, sustainable flooring, and recycled materials for interior finishes.
    • Design interiors that can be easily adapted or renovated, reducing the need for new materials over time.

Follow the Data

    • Conduct an LCA of your building design to optimize low-carbon building design and make informed decisions about materials and construction methods.
    • Request EPDs and select products with the lowest embodied carbon
    • Track material quantities using tools like the free EC3 (Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator) to determine the embodied carbon of your building

*Refer to the Rocky Mountain Institute’s report, Reducing Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment, and summaries for both Developers and Architects, to learn more about specific strategies to address Embodied Carbon.

We’re Building a Better Buckhead

At Livable Buckhead, we’re no strangers to tackling sustainability initiatives in the built environment. During the Better Buildings Challenge, we collaborated with commercial property developers and operators to reduce operational carbon by tracking and improving energy efficiency scores throughout the neighborhood.

Now, we are expanding our efforts to tackle the significant carbon emissions associated with building materials and construction—embodied carbon. Recognizing that these emissions are just as consequential as operational carbon, we have dedicated the past few years to understanding and addressing embodied carbon through collaboration and education.

Working closely with ULI Atlanta and their leadership program, we have gained valuable insights into the role of embodied carbon in our community. This collaboration has led to the creation of an Embodied Carbon Action Plan (ECAP), which outlines a timeline for addressing these emissions. Additionally, a subsequent leadership cohort conducted an Embodied Carbon Case Study, identifying best practices for reducing embodied carbon in high-rise multifamily buildings.

Our efforts continue through the Embodied Carbon Steering Committee, which engages developers, architects, and the construction community to further education and implement reduction strategies. We are also working towards incorporating these strategies into our zoning codes to ensure sustainable development practices are a standard in Buckhead.

If you are interested in learning more or participating in our efforts, please contact Together, we can create a future-proof Buckhead that meets the needs of current and future residents while significantly reducing our carbon footprint.


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