Walk, Drive, MARTA: Big Game Day Edition

 In Community, Mobility

Walk, Drive, MARTA…What do you do? 

It’s a Monday morning, the birds a chirping, the sun is shining, and your coffee is already brewing. The morning is off to a good start and you have no meetings this morning. You are getting ready for work and it hits you… the Super Bowl is in town. How do you get to work?

Walk: You live in West Midtown…. That’s not happening.


Drive: Google says it’s a 14 to a 40 minute drive, but with all the “visitors” in town you know someone is bound to get in an accident once you get close to the highway. That will add an extra 20 minutes to the drive. Did I mention you have to drive home too?

MARTA: You can take your normal bus to the Marta Station to get to Buckhead, but the traffic is already starting to back up and you are likely to be late.


What do you do?

Telework. You don’t have to be here.

Wrong type of football, but it’s still true. Instead of sitting in traffic or taking an out of the ordinary commute to get to work, save your time and work from home. Talk to your employer today about your office’s telework policy. Check out some tips for employees interested in teleworking. Are you an employer? Check out these resources for establishing a telework policy for your office. It’s never too early to plan ahead.

The Super Bowl is here, but you don’t have to be.

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