8 Ways Renters Can Make Their Homes Greener

 In Culture of Sustainability, Energy, Sustainability, Waste, Water

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who rents your home, living more sustainably can feel daunting. Many of the suggested improvements, such as solar panels, energy efficient appliances and improved insulation are permanent changes that cost a significant amount of money — which means they can’t be done by renters. Renting a house or an apartment can make living more sustainably challenging.

However, there are still actions you can take to make your rented house or apartment greener. These small, inexpensive changes are better for the environment — and your wallet.

Focus on major appliances

The first step should be improving your home’s energy efficiency, as reducing electricity usage is good for both your wallet and the environment. Although buying new appliances or installing improved insulation is out of the question, there are a number of techniques that can help reduce your overall electric consumption, saving you money while being better for the environment.

While switching out your existing appliances isn’t an option, there are actions you can take to maximize their efficiency.

  • If you don’t have a high efficiency washer, running a second spin cycle to cut down on drying time. Heating water accounts for about 90 percent of the energy used by a washing machine, so opt for cold cycles whenever possible
  • For your dryer, make sure that your lint trap is clean, as that prolongs drying time
  • In the kitchen, make sure that your refrigerator isn’t overfull, as blocked airflow reduces its energy efficiency
  • For your dishwasher, one way to cut down on energy use is to stop after the wash cycle, open the door and let the dishes air-dry
Watch out for ‘vampire power’

“Vampire power,” also known as standby power, refers to the energy used by gadgets and appliances when they are plugged in, but not in active use. Vampire power alone costs consumers about $3 billion per year and is responsible for approximately 10 percent of residential power usage, according to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

  • The best way to cut down on vampire power is by unplugging devices when they are not in use
  • This can be made easier if you buy a power strip, which will let you turn off multiple devices at once
Conserve water

When it comes to conserving water, there are plenty of small actions that can really add up. Some of the actions that the Environmental Protection Agency recommends:

  • Turn off running water when you are brushing your teeth
  • Take showers instead of baths
  • Use a dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand
  • Scrape your plate before putting it in the dishwasher, rather than rinsing it
Give your air conditioner some help

To maximize efficiency, it’s a good idea to run the ceiling fan in addition to your air conditioner.

  • A ceiling fan can help adjust your temperature setting by as much as four degrees
  • A ceiling fan costs about 1 cent an hour to run, while an air conditioner can be as much as 36 cents per hour
  • If you like to set the temperature to 72ᵒF, running a ceiling fan can let you run the air conditioner at 76ᵒF without a noticeable difference
  • It’s also a good idea to change the filters regularly, as that helps the air conditioner run at an optimal efficiency
Ask your landlord to use LED lights

Not only do LED lights use 70 to 80 percent less electricity than conventional lightbulbs, they also last longer. Although LED lights are more expensive, your landlord may be amenable to making the switch, since on their side, this means fewer trips to replace dead lightbulbs. There’s also a maintenance factor to replacing conventional lightbulbs with LEDs

If your landlord refuses, and you are planning to live there long enough, it may be worth making the swap yourself, as the reduced energy consumption will save you money. (If you choose to do that, you can save the conventional lightbulbs, replacing them just before you leave and taking the LED lights with you.)
Incorporate sustainable personal habits

When it comes to your personal habits, there are a lot of environmentally friendly actions that don’t require expensive modifications to your living space.

  • Avoid single-use plastics, whether it’s carrying a water bottle, using reusable tote bags or drinking your coffee from a reusable mug.
  • Opt for solid-bar soaps and shampoos can also cut down on plastic use while conserving energy, with one study showing that liquid hand soaps require five times as much energy to make and 20 times as much energy to package, compared to bar soaps.
  • Recycling whenever possible, and compost food scraps. If you are short on space, there are composting options that can be done in a confined space.
Consider installing window tints

Although you can’t replace your windows as a renter, there are some low-cost ways to make sure they are as energy efficient as possible. One way is to install window tints, which are a low-cost alternative to energy-efficient windows.

  • Tints will keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, which will help save on energy costs
  • Installing window tints can be a DIY project
  • The tricky part is getting the window clean and getting the film on without getting any creases in it
  • The added benefit of window tints is they will protect your furniture from sunlight
Try secondhand stores to furnish your home

One way to help the environment is to shop secondhand, whether it’s for clothing, kitchenware or furniture.

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