Walk, Drive, Marta: New Year’s Resolution

 In Community, Mobility

Walk, Drive, MARTA…What do you do? 

It’s that time of the year again! Your New Year’s Resolution for 2019 is to be more active and make healthier choices. Even though your treadmill and dumbbells are dusty, you are determined to use them in 2019. It’s time to go to work. How do you get to work?


Walk: You google the route and it’s a 30-minute walk, but you have to be at the office in 20 minutes.

Bike: The bike in your garage definitely doesn’t have any air in the tires and the last time you remember seeing the air pump was when your kids were playing with it over the summer.


Drive:  I guess you can go to your local gym and buy a year membership that you will only use for the next month. At least there’s a special price for new members.

Marta: You have a Marta pass, but you don’t remember what bus stop to walk to get to the Marta station.


What do you do?


Any of the above.

Taking better care of yourself can be a scheduled event or it can be a lifestyle change. Either of these options requires you to plan ahead. With new sidewalk improvements, new shared-use paths like Path400, and better access to transit in Buckhead, it is easier than ever to be more active and make healthy choices every day. Instead of driving to all the way to work, drive to a park and ride, take Marta to work. Use Path400 to bike to and from work. Take the long walk from the Marta station to work and get your steps in.

Need help planning your commute? Submit your request for a Custom Commute Plan or check out our resources for active commuting options to kick start 2019 off on a great note.


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