The Dirt on PATH400

 In PATH400

Denise Starling, executive director of Livable Buckhead, gives us the dirt on PATH400 progress.

Good morning, Buckhead!

I’ve been off traveling around the world for the last few weeks (gloating, totally rude), leaving my second born (PATH400) in the care of my trusty minions (oops – partners). Holy s**t moly, have I got stuff to share with you! They have been rocking it while I was off without a care in the world.

Now, something you need to know — EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I travel, something big (and typically bad) happens. It started with that little I-85 bridge collapse and progressed to riots in the streets while I was in Ireland! (Which, contrary to popular belief, I did not start). Needless to say, I am always a little worried while I am gone. But, this time was all good… well, there was that little water issue, but I’m just going to ignore that.

Instead of bad things this time, there were a WHOLE BUNCH of great things happening. We took a family field trip when we got back to check things out, and I felt like a kid at Christmas. OMG!! Not only are four of the six bridge spans in place, but they also surprised me and poured about a quarter mile of concrete as well! The split between the mainline trail and exit ramp to Mountain Way Common is in place, and it looks just like I told you it would! Check this out:

I have to admit that I am a little miffed that I missed the opportunity to carve my initials in it, but I will “Elsa” that and let it go!


Upcoming Events

Cycling Safety: Pedal Together

Join us for a free Cycling Safety event on Saturday, July 20th from 11am to 12pm at 684 Mountain Way Park. This family-friendly event is perfect for teaching children essential cycling skills:

  • Learn the basics: Traffic signs & signals, riding with traffic, proper helmet use & care
  • Safety checks & maintenance tips: Keep your bike running smoothly!
  • Helmet fittings: Ensure a safe and comfortable ride
  • Safety demonstrations & giveaways: Fun and informative activities for all ages.

Livable Buckhead is proud to partner with Propel Atlanta, Safe Routes to School, and the YMCA Buckhead for this event.

RSVP: Cycling Safety

Party on the PATH

Livable Buckhead’s annual Party on the PATH returns this October! Join us to celebrate art and greenspace with live music, delicious food, a silent auction and more!

Date: Sunday, October 6th

Time: 6:30PM – 9:00PM
Location: Eclipse di Luna Buckhead

It is never too early to start thinking about Party on the PATH. If you would like to be a part of the event, whether serving on the host committee, volunteering at the event, or just attending, we need you there!


In case you aren’t paying attention, the City of Atlanta is in the process of updating its comprehensive development plan and zoning codes. If you are a City of Atlanta resident, these things are important to you. Here is more information about Plan A and the resources available:

What is Plan A?

Plan A is Atlanta’s Comprehensive Development Plan. The plan sets forth the vision, goals, policies, and actions for future physical growth and development in Atlanta. Plan A influences decisions impacting lives across the city every day. Public participation is critical to preparing the plan.

From now until May 2025, the City of Atlanta Department of City Planning will be engaging residents over land use, transportation, housing, economic development, nature, historic preservation, and other aspects of city building to update Plan A.

Learn More

And, just a reminder, that all of this incredible work is made possible by the generous support of people like you. So, if you want more good news about all things Buckhead, please consider making a gift today. (Plus, if you make a recurring gift, you will be a member of our Buckhead Buck$ program and receive a year subscription to our new neighborhood discount card, GoBuckheadATL!)


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