Sustainability in Transportation

 In Mobility, Sustainability

(Warning: Info Lesson)

Did you know one of Livable Buckhead’s many programs, “Mobility”, is actually termed Transportation Demand Management? There are several ways to describe it that you may have heard, including alternative transportation, mobility options, sustainable mobility, and many more. But do you know what it actually means and what it all entails?

TDM (Transportation Demand Management) focuses on understanding how people make their transportation decisions and helping them use the infrastructure available for transit, telework, bike, walk or rideshare. However, it’s a whole lot more than just encouraging people to try a new commute. When put into practice, sustainable mobility helps the entire community, businesses and the environment as a whole. Here are two main reasons:

  1. In Atlanta, the biggest source of air pollution is tailpipe emissions from cars and trucks. Atlanta ranks #2 for the most air pollution from cars. At its most basic level, TDM (getting cars off of the road) not only reduces stress and congestion, it improves our air dramatically!
  2. Active transportation (walking to a transit station, riding a bike path) is one of the best choices someone can make over driving alone. Spending just 20 minutes outside every day will make the average person happier. Employee health & wellness is a key sustainability factor that not only supports TDM but also improves business productivity.

Briefly put, helping to create a less auto-dependent and more livable city is one of Livable Buckhead’s main goals. Will it become one of yours? Read here to see other ways TDM is making an impact in sustainability.

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