See & Say This Holiday

 In Mobility, Security

The holidays are upon us, and if you’re trying to stay off the naughty list by cutting back on CO2 emissions and swearing in traffic, then taking transit is a great choice. I’m here to testify that it’s possible to get in and out of Lenox Square quickly and peacefully via MARTA!

Some people may have anxieties about bringing their holiday purchases on MARTA, but there are several reasons to put your fears to rest. Firstly, MARTA ranks as one of the safest transit systems in America and with approximately 400 sworn officers and 2,000+ security cameras, constitutes Georgia’s 9th largest police force. But now, getting help from MPD has never been easier with the “See and Say” App.

The See and Say App is a companion to MARTA’s recent “See Something, Say Something” campaign to encourage riders to speak up when they see something amiss, like an unattended bag, missing or broken signage, or nuisance behavior from other passengers. A major feature of the See & Say app is discretion – taking a photo makes no shutter sound and flash can be disabled – users can submit reports anonymously, and if the report initially fails to send (perhaps because you’re in a tunnel) the app will continue trying in the background until it succeeds.

See and Say is available free for Android and iOS devices.

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