Public Art on PATH400

 In Arts and Culture, Executive Director, Greenspace

Denise Starling and Krista Jones talk through the vision of the mural

I am very excited to let you all know that we are embarking on the installation of our first PATH400 super large scale mural on PATH400. Thanks to a partnership with MARTA through their Artbound program, we were able to secure some funding to make it happen (Katherine Dirga – you are da bomb).

The mural is on the new segment between Lenox Square and Miami Circle so you can’t see it yet – you will have to join us for the Party on the PATH to get a sneak peek. The challenge to the artists was to give us something that responded to the juxtaposition between infrastructure and nature. The artist selection was crazy difficult – we received 77 responses to our call for artists and had some really awesome talent to choose from.

Special thanks to Hilary Spandorfer, Mark Karelson, Anne Tract, Katherine Dirga, Ed McBrayer and Paul Kennedy for helping us arrive at our final selection – Krista Jones. Krista is an Atlanta local and her work is inspired by intricate patterns found in nature. Given the wetland in the middle of this part, we certainly have a lot of those for her to work with. We are super excited to have her on board and can’t wait to see the final result!

PATH400 goes Intergalactic

Yes, we are excited to be part of the Outerspace Project this month. Does that mean we are headed to the moon? Well not exactly, but it does mean that we will be getting more art that may be a little “far out”. Our five art walls up near Wieuca Road will be getting some new looks next week and we are super excited. Aesek, Nnekka, Angela Faustina, Angie Jerez and Lela Brunet will be showcasing their talent and creativity to give our trail regulars a little variety in their daily art diet.

We will be posting sneak peaks of all of our new art on social media so follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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