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Embodied Carbon Case Study & Reduction Analysis

2024 ULI Atlanta mTAP

In 2024 Livable Buckhead sponsored a second mTAP (mini Technical Assistance Project) through ULI Atlanta’s Center for Leadership (CLF), following up on the results of the previous year’s Embodied Carbon Action Plan.  The goal for the project team was to create for Livable Buckhead and its stakeholders an understanding of embodied carbon in high-rise multi-family properties, typical of the Buckhead neighborhood, and identify strategies to encourage more sustainable building practices.

Project Highlights:

  • Embodied Carbon Landscape: Examining current tools for measuring lifecycle carbon emissions in buildings and setting performance targets for Buckhead.
  • Baseline Analysis: Measuring the embodied carbon of a typical Buckhead multifamily property’s structure and enclosure.
  • Reduction Strategies: Exploring material and construction modifications to reduce the embodied carbon footprint of buildings while analyzing cost, performance, and material availability.
  • Voluntary Reporting Program: Developing a framework for a voluntary embodied carbon reporting program within Buckhead.

Read the full report here:

Watch the presentation of the report with stakeholder discussion here:

If you are interested in learning more or participating in our efforts, please contact Helen at Together, we can create a future-proof Buckhead that meets the needs of current and future residents while significantly reducing our carbon footprint.


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