My Adventures in Composting – The Defeat

 In Executive Director, Sustainability

Part 2: The Defeat

No worms in this kitchen

After three months of piloting the program at work and actively trying to kill it, I admitted defeat.  The compost resistance had come to an end.  My defeat was so complete that I began contemplating composting at home.  I asked “the Google” to find me the CompostNow website, expecting a dinky, nonprofit site that would be hard to deal with.  What I got was a slick, easy-to-navigate website that allowed me to sign up to compost at home in less than five minutes.

The composting bucket showed up at my house two days later and it magically gets collected every week – right on time, even when the rest of us are off for a “snow day.”  My only complaint is that the home version is a bucket, not a shiny step can like we have at the office. I keep the bucket in the cabinet next to the trash and pull it out when I am doing dinner prep or cleaning out the leftovers from the refrigerator at the end of the week.  The only part that I still don’t like is that you have to touch the bucket to open the lid. I don’t like doing that when I’m handling food prep, so I’ll have to figure out how to do that differently.

Part 3: Acceptance

The conversion is complete and I am now a composting fanatic.  I pull things out of the sink disposal to put in the bucket, I regularly admonish my 13-year-old for wasting food scraps in the trash (isn’t he supposed to be teaching me this stuff?) and I diligently make sure my bucket is outside every Monday night for the 7 a.m. Tuesday pickup.  I can’t wait until the spring to get some of that awesome soil back to plant my garden.

No story is complete without the main character learning some life altering lessons…so here are mine:

1) Composting is easy and takes a lot of the guesswork out of recycling overall

2) Millennials have good ideas.  (ok, that was hard to admit)

3) There is no reason not to do this stuff (the worms are still far from my kitchen)

4) Change is good

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