Livable Buckhead Launches Security Council

 In Blog, Community, Employer, Security

Security and crime are concerns for every community and Buckhead has certainly had its fair share in the last year. So far in 2019, over $50K in cash has been stolen, 50% of the stolen cars have had the keys in them, and over 40 handguns have been stolen from cars (five of those were assault rifles). With these kinds of scores, thieves just keep coming back for more. To help counteract this, Livable Buckhead, Atlanta Police Department’s Zone 2 and Buckhead commercial property security directors are teaming up to doing something about it.

Buckhead’s commercial core is home to the Southeast’s major shopping centers, dozens of class-A office buildings and thousands of hotel rooms. Each weekday, the population surges to an estimated 140,000 as workers, tourists and business people go about their day. Commercial property security directors play a large role in keeping everyone safe. Commercial property’s must execute a security strategy adequate to the task of mitigating that property’s security risks, however, in the past, the knowledge they gained was siloed within their own property.

Livable Buckhead is seeking to change that. We are ensuring area security directors are connecting with each other and Zone 2 officers, sharing information in real time and coming together to help keep Buckhead safe. On February 27th, Livable Buckhead convened the first security council meeting, hosted by Crocker Partners. Three dozen Buckhead security directors  and Zone 2 commander, Major Barry Shaw, attended to discuss the challenges they face, as well as find solutions. If you are an area commercial property security director and want to join, please let us know!

Thanks to the efforts of Zone 2 officers, crime is down 5% this year and the goal is to keep that trend going in the right direction. But these folks can’t do it alone…they need those of us who are here every day to work or visit to do our part. Which means stop making ourselves targets. The request is simple – PLEASE STOP LEAVING VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. Never leave valuables in your car in plain sight. By doing this, you can prevent one of the most common crimes; theft of property from motor vehicles. Keeping a clean car means making sure all items such as tablet computers, laptops, cell phones, purses, wallets and other valuables are removed when your vehicle is unattended. Leave those valuables at home, or lock them in the trunk. Suspects know to look for items hidden within the vehicles. They check everywhere. Avoid putting valuables in your trunk when you arrive at your destination. Suspects are watching. Put items away prior to your arrival.  And never keep a spare key inside your vehicle.


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