Listen to Your Yacht Rock in Your Classic Electrified Car

 In EV

Driving down Georgia Mountain Parkway top down on your 1971 VW Beetle listening to the Doors on your 8-track chilling on a Saturday. The nostalgia just thinking about it. Well, you can now do this without carbon emissions and allowing future generations to live in a cleaner world. Conversion of classic cars to fully electric is a new trend and it is catching on.

In February, Lunaz Design, a British company in the business of restoring classic cars and updating the engines to electric motors, announced they will be restoring one of the rarest cars in the world. The Bentley S2 Continental having only four in existence will be converting one of those to electric. Toyota recently showcased two vintage Corollas having been converted to electric and hydrogen power.

Conversion vehicle enthusiast are excited because the switch can deliver impressive performance improvements. The switch can improve acceleration with a few modifications. Older vehicles have a simpler internal design which make them easier to manipulate. Because of this, the entire process can be completed quite quickly. The conversion option will help us get to our 2050 zero emissions goal. Reaching the goal with only new auto sales is not entirely realistic. California is considering tax rebates up to $2,000 when a gas-powered car in converted. The competition is heating up with EV sales driving the prices down. Here is to the future of conversion, one more step to our 2050 goal.

More on EV news here.

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