Introducing Mobility Concierge

 In Employer, Mobility

Livable Buckhead is taking a new tack in traffic mitigation. In addition to our traditional programs and promotions aimed at helping your employees examine their transportation ritual, Buckhead commuters will now have their very own Mobility Concierge: Kip Dunlap.

But what is a Mobility Concierge? A friendly face, available to chat about options, make recommendations, and craft a custom plan with no judgement and no pressure – even ride along for a hands-on demonstration of how easy transit can be!

Employees can schedule a consultation, request one online, or drop-in to coffee shop hours in the office lobby for an individualized review of their alternatives as well as customized maps, resources, and information on financial incentive programs to make clean commuting a common-sense everyday choice. Whether workers call, email, or drop by; Mobility Concierge can help your office be a happier, more productive place by spending less time sitting in traffic, less money on fuel and vehicle maintenance, and freeing up parking spaces in your already-tight deck.

Kip is at your service!

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