How to Strike the Right Balance: Location, Commutes and Schedules

 In Mobility, Mobility

A laptop displaying a video conference page full of people, beside it a coffee mug.

Winter is coming, but Livable Buckhead is hard at work creating resources for business to keep rolling into the new year. Things are looking up for 2021, with multiple COVID-19 vaccines on track to meet with regulatory approval and head for wide distribution as early as spring. With that in mind, we’re working to provide guidance on keeping your employees productive as they work from home and essential workers healthy and safe as they make their way to the workplace. Look out for Livable Buckhead’s guide on Finding Balance in Today’s Work Environment – a helpful reference for the types of services that we offer and how to get started addressing your organization’s needs. 

Our services will include expert guidance on workplace strategies customized to fit your workforce’s needs, including scheduling options for compressed work weeks and staggered scheduling, telework programs for optimizing remote workers, and maintaining a healthy office culture, even while you’re apart. Employees will benefit from support and training tools for best practices while working from home to avoid fatigue and manage stress. We’re keeping in touch with Atlanta’s transit providers to keep you up to date on public transit services as they adjust and adapt to the post COVID landscape. We’re making sure that employees who need these options stay safe on board and continue to receive rewards and incentives for choosing clean commutes. And, we’re still providing Custom Commute Plans for individuals who may not be familiar with their options or would like a more practiced hand to review their route. 

There are a lot of teams still trying to find their footing in this remote-work world and just as many who have reasons to try to find the way back to the office as quickly as possible. In either case, Livable Buckhead has resources that can help inform the transition. Winter can be an isolating time, and with all of us in uncharted territory, no one can be blamed for feeling a little adrift. It’s more important than ever to rally around your group’s core values, embrace the more unifying capabilities of technology, and start planning for a safe return. We’re here to help.

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