Georgia Governor’s Proclamation for Telework

 In Employer, Mobility

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has proclaimed November 18-22 as Georgia’s formal Telework Week.

In Buckhead, 92% of the workforce drives in from outside of the area every day. If each company allowed employees to work from home one day per week, we could significantly reduce our congestion and better our air quality – equating to thousands of fewer cars on the road each day. And, this doesn’t just benefit your employees, this benefits you and your company by:

  • Saving money – lower facility and energy costs
  • Increasing employee happiness – higher job satisfaction rates
  • Increasing productivity levels – less commuting, less stress
  • Business continuity strategy – company still runs during major events and inclement weather

Livable Buckhead and Georgia Commute Options challenge you to participate in Telework Week this year. Employers and employees can receive cash rewards for participating.

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  • Andrea Hongo

    Kaiser Permanente has a great work from home program. Even working from home 2 days a week really cuts down on stress for a worker. My office is in Midtown and traffic to and from Buckhead is extremely heavy. For a 7 mile commute, it could take me 30 minutes each way.

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