Ways To Give

Make A One-Time Gift

Neighborhood (noun): a district, especially one forming a community within a town or city.

Community (noun): a group of people who share something in common.

When the people living and working in an area discover what they have in common, a neighborhood becomes more than boundaries on a map. It becomes a community.

Your gift to Livable Buckhead creates and sustains community by supporting programs that have one thing in common: making Buckhead a vibrant neighborhood where people want to live, work, and play. In-kind gifts that advance the mission of Livable Buckhead are accepted. Please contact us if you are interested in donating products, services, or other in-kind gifts.

Livable Buckhead is a nonprofit 501 (c)3 organization, as defined by the US Internal Revenue Service section 501 (c) 3. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent provided by the IRS.

Click the button below to make a gift to Livable Buckhead. You will be redirected to the Bloomerang Kindful donation portal. 

Monthly Giving Program

Buck: noun

  1. a male deer or antelope
  2. an impetuous, dashing, or spirited youth
  3. A sum of money
  4. A monthly supporter of Livable Buckhead.

You love Buckhead. We love Buckhead.

Together, we’re a match made in… well, Buckhead.

Livable Buckhead is ready to make our relationship official.

Are you?

If you care about traffic, safety, community; If you shop in the shops, eat in the restaurants, walk on PATH 400, ride the Buc…

If you want Buckhead to offer more for more people, then you sound ready to join the BuckheadBucks, Livable Buckhead’s new monthly giving program.

Your monthly donation at any level will support more of what everyone loves about Buckhead. Whether it’s parks or parties, public art or partnerships, if it makes life in Buckhead better, Livable Buckhead is behind it. As a member of the BuckheadBucks you can be a part of it too.

Make your monthly gift today and let’s do more for this community we all love.

Livable Buckhead is a nonprofit 501 (c)3 organization, as defined by the US Internal Revenue Service section 501 (c) 3. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent provided by the IRS.

Click the button below and select “BuckheadBucks” to make a recurring gift to Livable Buckhead. You will be redirected to the Bloomerang Kindful donation portal. 

A Spotlight On Giving

Raise The Rails on PATH400

We asked and the neighborhood responded!

All of us at Livable Buckhead knew installing 54-inch railings with wire mesh to provide maximum safety along the new stretch of PATH400 was the right thing to do, and we’re grateful that others agreed and stepped up to support Livable Buckhead’s Raising the Rails campaign.

We’re excited to announce that Livable Buckhead, with some help from our friends at the CID and the federal government, has secured the $100,000 we need to raise the rails. We wanted to make sure that everyone who walks, bikes, or skips this 450-foot stretch of PATH400 feels comfortable and safe. Thank you to everyone who donated to make that possible.

There’s no doubt that PATH400 is one of the things that makes Buckhead special. Another thing is how neighbors come together to support the community and everyone who lives and works here. Time and again, we see that it’s not the places that make Buckhead special; it’s the people.

This particular project may be funded, but PATH400 still needs your support. Consider giving a one-time gift or on-going monthly support to help Livable Buckhead continue to grow the connectivity and greenspace Buckhead deserves.


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